Co-Parenting By Choice

By Choice

Allows aspiring parents to fulfill their dream of parenthood by teaming up for the purpose of raising children, typically in separate households, without any romantic involvement. Co-parents work together to raise their children based on shared values, fostering a nurturing and stable environment. This framework facilitates a healthy balance between family, career, and free time. Key aspects of the child’s upbringing are agreed upon in advance, enabling a long-lasting and successful partnership.

Two ways to find a partner

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My family story – 
how Nesting was born
Michal Biran, founder of Nesting



What is co-parenting by choice?

Co-parenting by choice allows aspiring parents to fulfill their dream of parenthood by teaming up for the purpose of raising children, typically in separate households, without any romantic involvement.

Co-parents work together to raise their children based on shared values, fostering a nurturing and stable environment. This framework facilitates a healthy balance between family, career, and free time. Key aspects of the child’s upbringing are agreed upon in advance, enabling a long-lasting and successful partnership.

How is being a co-parent different from being a single parent?

Children of co-parents benefit from two parents in their life and a larger extended family. Co-parents share tasks and financial challenges, making it easier to balance family with career and leisure time. The main advantage of single parenting is that one parent has total autonomy to make decisions about the child's upbringing, including its education, and place of residence.

What distinguishes our model from co-parenting with a former romantic partner?

The difference lies primarily in the quality of the relationship, which is influenced by the partners’ history, including past conflicts. Co-parents by choice consciously construct a shared vision, without a romantic relationship between them, in separate households. This reduces points of friction and increases the likelihood of a successful partnership over the long term.

From a technical perspective, custody and financial arrangements can be similar, but the co-parenting relationship is governed by a co-parenting agreement designed by the partners in advance.

Is this the place to find a romantic partner?

No, this is not the place to find romance. The purpose of Nesting is to match partners for co-parenting who live in separate households without any romantic involvement between them. Focusing on the goal of bringing a child into the world is key to a successful co-parenting match. We encourage complete separation between romantic relationships and co-parenting, and therefore our matching services are focused exclusively on finding platonic partners for co-parenting.

Can I find a "known donor” with you?

A known donor is a legal term that refers to a sperm donor who is not anonymous, yet has minimal involvement in raising the child, if any. From our perspective, co-parenting requires parents to take joint responsibility in raising the child, therefore this is not the platform for finding known donors.

What is the ideal distance between parents’ homes?

The geographic distance between homes is a fundamental part of the co-parenting agreement and is binding for long periods of time. We recommend that both parents live within a reasonable distance from the center of the child's life — the place where their educational frameworks are located, and subsequently, their social environment. Therefore, each partner needs to consider whether the travel time for pick-ups and drop-offs during peak hours works for them, and decide on a geographical range they can commit to.

Can co-parenting work with more than two parents?

Certainly. There are very successful examples of three or four-parent families. However, depending on where you reside, local law might not recognize the existence of more than two parents. Partners can agree on terms among themselves, but in the event of separation, a parent who is not legally recognized, may lack parental rights.

How is the child conceived?

Co-parents usually bring children into the world through fertility treatments. A medical professional can advise you on the best options.

What if one of us has a fertility challenge?

In our experience, a fertility challenge should not be the determining factor in evaluating a potential co-parent match. Fortunately, there are available solutions to help overcome fertility challenges, such as insemination, IVF, and egg or sperm donation.

The factors that most significantly contribute to the success of a co-parent relationship, and your happiness and well-being over the long-run, are the chemistry and connection between the partners, their shared values, and their ability to reach agreements, and solve crises constructively, as a team.

What’s the difference between using the Nesting app on my own, versus using Nesting’s premium service?

Using the Nesting app on your own means you find potential partners yourself and navigate the process independently. Our premium service combines a dedicated matching consultant, access to a larger, more detailed database of prospects, and years of experience accompanying co-parents.

After conducting a thorough interview, our matching consultant will actively search for, and suggest, candidates that meet your preferences. They will accompany you throughout the entire process, identifying the candidates, helping you get to know each other, drafting the co-parenting agreement, and helping you reach consensus and resolve crises. In our experience, close guidance at every step of the way is key to achieving your goal, and becoming a co-parent.

How long does it take?

The journey to co-parenting has two main stages. The first stage starts with the search for a suitable partner, and the timeline varies for each individual. Once a compatible match is found, partners typically spend several months getting to know each other. 

The second stage entails drafting and finalizing the co-parenting agreement, which usually takes around two months.

While we cant estimate how long it takes to do on your own, our premium service provides a personal matching consultant who will guide you efficiently through each step,

Our matching consultant will carefully filter candidates, ensuring you meet only those who fit your preferences, and making sure you avoid common pitfalls that drag out the process. By keeping you on track, we will help you find your right match and become a co-parent in the shortest possible time.

How much does it cost?

The cost structure is modular, and the pricing varies accordingly. Speak to one of our advisors, who can offer you the most suitable package.

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